021 667 936


About Dreamstone

Dreamstone first began operations back in 2015 and ran as a small family start-up business in Auckland. The vision was to make a small difference in the way New Zealanders buy stone veneers. Fast-forward to 2023, Dreamstone was sold to another family based in Lower Hutt, Wellington, who wanted to carry on that goal and further its reach throughout New Zealand.

We envision that all New Zealanders can install our unique and easy-to-use product for their DIY or design projects without using a specialised tradesman. We believe that offering something new to the market enables everyone the freedom and autonomy to create and construct their interior or exterior dreams.

Our point of difference is that:

  1. We are a simple DIY and design product that is easily accessible and purchased online for an affordable price and allows YOU to install at your own pace; and
  2. We aim to provide consistent and quality product—that is, each stone is carefully handcrafted and aims to look as close to like for like compared to natural schist products.